Code of Coduct


Code of conduct

  • The teachers, students and all those who are associated with the college directly or indirectly, will contribute to the maintenance of the discipline, ethical values and institutional goals in the college through their behavior and activities.
  • The teachers should be concerned and committed to the interests of the students as the foremost aim of the teaching profession is to educate.
  • Teachers should be conscientious and dedicated and if necessary, should help the students beyond class hours without accepting any remuneration.
  • The teachers shall not prevent any student from expressing his viewpoint although it may differ from that of his own.
  • The teachers should accept constructive criticism.
  • The teachers should try to develop an educational environment. Equal treatment should be meted out to all students irrespective of caste, creed, religion, gender or socio-economic status. There should not be any partiality or vindictive attitude towards any of them.
  • The sole aim of the teachers should be to inspire students to generate more interest and develop a sense of inquiry in the pursuit of knowledge.
  • The teachers should instil a scientific and democratic outlook among her/his students, making them community oriented, patriotic and broad minded. This is a part of her/his social responsibility.
  • The teachers should conform to the ethos of his/her profession and act in a dignified manner. She/he should keep in mind that society has entrusted her/him with their children.
  • The teachers must acquaint herself/himself with recent methodologies and other applications.
  • The teachers must, alongside teaching, pursue research as innovation contributes to the continuous progress and development of a subject. He/she should involve herself/himself in seminars and workshops where there is interchange of academic topics.
  • Developing new teaching strategies and curriculum as well as planning for an upgraded academic system should be an integral part of his/her professional duties.
  • The teachers should carry out the Institution’s educational responsibilities such as conducting admissions, college seminars and so on. He/she should also participate in extra-curricular activities of the College as in sports, extension activities and cultural programmes.
  • Teachers must maintain ethical behaviour in professional practice by accurately representing certifications, licenses and other qualifications.
  • There should be no conflict between professional work and private practice. Private tuitions should be avoided as they negatively impact upon the quality of college teaching.
  • The teachers must respect the confidentiality of all information regarding exam affairs as well as matters dealing with colleagues and students unless legally or legitimately demanded.
  • Teachers should be respectful and cooperative towards their colleagues, assisting them and sharing the responsibilities in a collaborative manner
  • Teachers should refrain from lodging unsubstantiated allegations against their colleagues in order to satisfy vested interests.
  • Teachers should discharge their responsibilities in accordance with the established rules outlined by the higher authorities and adhere to the conditions of contract.
  • Teachers should refrain from responding to unnecessary political motivations as this ruin the sanctity and smooth progress of an educational institution.
  • Teachers should accord the same respect and treatment to the non-teaching staff as they do to their fellow teachers.
  • The Institution should hold joint meetings before upholding any decision regarding the College.
  • There should be regular interactions with the guardians of the students as this is necessary for the improvement of the students and the Institution.
  • Despite the commuting distance, the teachers should refrain from taking unnecessary leave and maintain regularity for smooth functioning of the college.
  • Tobacco products, smoking, drugs, drinking, plastic-use are strictly prohibited in the college campus.